(At my philosophical best)
Blurring lines....
....between the rich and the poor
….between the far and near
….between bravery and fear
Blurring lines….
....between day and night
....between wrong and right
….between tiffs and fights
Blurring lines....
....between the ugly and cute
....between funny and rude
....between cool and crude
Blurring lines....
....between a relationship and a date
....between love and hate
….between ill luck and fate
Blurring lines....
….between icing and cream
….between stars and light beams
....between reality and dreams…….
Yes, truly random thoughts…observations…and a result of an acute stomach infection!!!
Blurring lines....
....between the rich and the poor
Drove past a hindi medium school yesterday...and nothing about the kids there said they came from less privileged families....they were well dressed, no oiled braids, no untidy shoes, body language as cool as anyone elses…..
My maid now has a maid at home, has a son who works for an MNC, spends that Rs 25 on a caller tune I’m stingy to spend on…
Blurring lines....
....between day and night
I feel more alive when the sun goes down...the city wakes up…you sleep through the day and make plans to party through the night….
Blurring lines....
….between the far and near
Get from Delhi to Bombay in the same time it takes to drive through the traffic choked route from office to home…
Blurring lines....
....between funny and rude
When do things stop being funny? When do you know when someone has pushed the joke a bit too far? When do you know when you’re on the verge of being rude?
Blurring lines....
....between a relationship and a date
How many relationships end up just being a date? How many relationships are treated like mere dates?
Blurring lines....
….between stars and light beams
Walk into one of the grandeur wedding places…the fairy lights glistening from the trees….who looks up to the stars for their beauty anymore?
Blurring lines....
....between the ugly and cute
Definitions change…dark was not cute when you were little, fair is not cute when you grow up….short was not cute when you were a teenager, short is more approachable now…those who were ugly as kids are suddenly centerstage at parties….those who were cute in yearbooks suddenly look haggard old wannabes
Blurring lines…..As a matter of perspective….as how you want to see it……….
(No I’m not low! I’m just philosophical! I’m bored. I'm jobless. I’m hoping it’s not jaundice!)